Friday, April 4, 2008

We're a Trio!

Well the big day finally arrived.

(Gary is writing this since Carrie will be spending the weekend at the hospital - we'll hear from her in the near future.)

Spoiler alert... as you can see from the picture above everything turned out well.

We showed up Friday at Elmhurst Memorial Hospital at 3:00 in the afternoon and started the preparations for our moment of truth. Carrie received her gown and Gary got his scrubs. The staff was excellent and filled us in on how and when things would happen. They took Carrie in to get prepped for her surgery a little before 5:00. Fifteen minutes later they came and got Gary who was waiting back in the room.

Gary got to the operating room and the staff was busy taking care of Carrie. Two doctors, a couple of nurses and the Anesthesiologist. Gary took his place next to Carrie behind the curtain that blocked our view of all of the action. The staff did their work, chatted about Chinese restaurants and made sure Carrie was doing well... not in that order!

When the time came, they asked Gary if he wanted to see the birth. He did! Little by little the baby came out with the help of the doctors. Carrie was doing a GREAT job. Before we knew it the baby was out and into the hands of the nurses who wrapped him in a nice warm blankie. Carrie had to spend some time in the opperating room so Gary went with the baby to get cleaned up. Cleaning up the baby... not Gary.

About an hour or so later after Carrie spent some time in the recovery room the Kase family was together for the fiirst time. We're all SO happy!!! This is an amazing experience for us. Our son is absolutely beautiful!!! The most beautiful baby EVER! And since this is our big day no one is allowed to argue with this fact. :)

This little boy has only been around a few hours at this point but please, let us introduce you to him... he is 20 inches long and weighs in at 8 pounds, 10 ounces... our little bruiser!

Ladies and gentlemen, we give you...



Tammy said...

WOW, Evan is a beautiful baby. Can't wait to meet him. Hope to see you all real soon.

Lots Of Love,

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!! What a wonderful introduction to Evan, and what a handsome guy he is. We are so happy for the three of you. Now we can tell you the truth - you'll never sleep again!! Love ya, The Hammans

Valerie said...

Congratulations my friend. He sure is beautiful, and we can't wait to meet him! Love you all, Valerie

Lee said...

Congratulations, he IS beautiful, no arguments there! Bob, Elsa and I are so excited for you guys and can't wait to meet Evan. Glad everything went okay in the delivery.


ccdeville said...

i love babies!!!! yeah! i'm so happy for both of you. what a little cutie:) so what do you want me to knit for him....blankey, hat/mittens/booties set, little stuffed elephant?
---love you all,

Huba Family said...

Evan is such a cutie!! We look foward to meeting him. Gary we never thought we would see the day you would have such a cute baby, it must be Carrie's doing. We are praying for you and trust that all is well.

Milan, DeAnna, Krista, and Alexander.

Unknown said...

Wow. Evan is the cutest baby ever!


Can't wait to meet him!