Sunday, March 3, 2013

Winter happenings

Evan is getting very good at shoveling the sidewalk.  Boredom sets in quickly when it comes to the driveway, though.
Posing in his ready to go sledding look.  The first time we went on a small hill but created leaks in our 2 inflatable sleds.  So our next outing, Daddy bought 3 new inflatable sleds labeled "for use by adults and children" at considerable expense.  We went to a new, much taller hill which was covered entirely by ice and had a few "lumps" made by other more adventurous sledders.  Evan thoroughly enjoyed the hill including the catching air going over the "lumps".  Daddy ripped one sled and Mommy exploded another one by accidently going over a "lump" and coming down hard on her bottom.  Fun for all.
But of course, this is a family portrait.
One of the more interesting school projects.

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