Thursday, January 21, 2010

Evan dictionary 1.9

Evan's been talking for at least a year now but his vocabulary is increasing, much to our amusement. His first official communication was "uh oh". Here's a list of his current vocabulary and translation.
daddy=daddy or our babysitter's husband
moy=more, as in food
oh day=OK
tay doo=thank you
oh bertay=Bertie, as in Bertie the bus from the Thomas the train shows
moo=the sound a cow or horse makes
raaa=the sound a lion makes
I dee dee=I did it
uppie=pick me up
boo boo=peek a boo
ga ga=car or truck, we don't know where this came from
go, go, go=as in go Vikings (daddy's very happy about this one)
ah dah=all done or all gone
bee bee=binky (pacifier)
oh no=oh no (this is a new favorite)
nay nay=naked
nite nite=good night
wazza=what's that?
low=hello, as in anwering the phone or any phone subsitute eg. slice of apple, small mirror

There are many phrases that he also understands, too.
Let's put on our shoes.
Can you give me a kiss? (which is usually no)
Let's brush our teeth
Bring me the remote
Drink some milk
Time for bath

We're having a lot of fun getting to know each other better!

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