Sunday, October 11, 2009

18 month check up

We love that Evan likes his books. His style is to "read" them very quickly and then start over several times. He knows what we mean when we ask if he wants to read books. He'll even take our fingers to do the touch and feel books.If he likes something we know it. The time for table manners will come soon enough.

Evan had his 18 month doctor visit including the flu shot. Same reaction but he did very well. His stats: height 33" and weight 24 lbs. 11 oz. That puts in the 50th percentile and 33rd percentile respectively. We opine that the constant activity burns off the calories almost as fast as he takes them in. The doctor said with the obesity problem, the slower rate of weight gain is just fine. Oh, and his head circumference is at the 50th percentile, too, so I guess his brain is growing nicely. Here he is helping with the yard work.

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