Friday, October 30, 2009

Free fun

Notice the state of Evan's books behind him, we love that he likes reading time but half the fun seems to be pulling books down.
Hardwood floors plus a large cardboard box equals hours of fun. At this point in the ride, Evan waves at Daddy and yells at full volume "Dad-deeeee" repeatedly. Sometimes Mommy wonders why she started this game, we were having lots of fun using the box for peekaboo.
This is a daddy only activity, one of many that Evan enjoys that involves swinging, hanging upside down, jumping into his stuffed animals or piles of laundry. He's even started doing somersaults (with a little help).

Fall festival times two

This fall festival was put on by the city and included trick or treating to local businesses which we skipped but Evan played Batman to get into the spirit. The other fall festival was sponsored by the park district. Here, Evan is doing the candy hunt but he liked the hay more than the goodies. The whole thing confused him more than anything.

There was a hayride at this festival as well but the new experience was the pony ride. We couldn't really tell if he liked it or not, confusion again seemed to be the expression on his face.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pumpkin patch, here we come!

We made our 2nd annual visit to the pumpkin farm, the calendar says fall but it felt like winter. We could have probably skipped the hayride and just watched the tractor go by, that seemed to be Evan's area of interest.
It might be a little too big and heavy, little guy. That doesn't stop him from trying.
Chillin' at the pumpkin farm.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

18 month check up

We love that Evan likes his books. His style is to "read" them very quickly and then start over several times. He knows what we mean when we ask if he wants to read books. He'll even take our fingers to do the touch and feel books.If he likes something we know it. The time for table manners will come soon enough.

Evan had his 18 month doctor visit including the flu shot. Same reaction but he did very well. His stats: height 33" and weight 24 lbs. 11 oz. That puts in the 50th percentile and 33rd percentile respectively. We opine that the constant activity burns off the calories almost as fast as he takes them in. The doctor said with the obesity problem, the slower rate of weight gain is just fine. Oh, and his head circumference is at the 50th percentile, too, so I guess his brain is growing nicely. Here he is helping with the yard work.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fun with Reid and Suzie

Evan likes dogs so here he is getting reaquainted with Gertie. Sometimes we're not sure if he's saying doggie or Daddy. It's always funny when curious little boys want to be right where you are no matter what you're doing. It's even funnier when it happens to someone else, Evan had to get a closer look at what was going on but he didn't forget his snacks.
Look! A tub of balls large enough for big AND little people. This playroom is like a safe room, every surface is padded.

It takes two of us to keep up, we just don't have the energy or the enthusiasm as a 1 year old.

Mega mall

We had so much fun on what's becoming our annual fall trip to the Land of 10,000 lakes. As these pictures tell, we didn't do anything related to lakes. The first picture is during the ride and it may be fuzzy but the expression is priceless.We're all smiling in this next picture betraying the fact that Reid's legs barely fit and Evan and mommy filled up the whole seat.
Really, I like carousels!
Does Evan have the look of "is this all"? Or maybe all the colors, people and noise are hard for a little boy to take in.

Daddy had the same leg issues as uncle Reid but everybody got to do rides that day.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Apple orchard time

It must be fall again, time to go to the apple orchard (even though we didn't eat or pick any apples). Evan had more fun playing with the corn than going through the corn maze.
The train didn't actually run on tracks but nobody seemed to care.I think this is Evan's expression after tasting the straw. Thankfully, things like straw, rocks, grass etc. don't taste good.
We sure did have fun with our friend Elsa!