Saturday, July 11, 2009

Best patient ever

Evan had his 15 month doctor's visit and he was a model patient. He was so interested in the doctor and what he was doing that he didn't cry or squirm during the entire exam. The doctor was even able to check his reflexes which he said he ususally can't do at this age because kids won't sit still. He also said this was one of the easiest exams he's ever done! Evan's rate of growth and weight gain have slowed down (for now). He's 23 lbs 3 oz (sometimes last year he gained a pound a month and this time he's gained 1 pound in 3 months) and 31 inches. That puts him under the 50th percentiles which is also new for him. Apparently, constant activity burns off a lot of calories. The video shows just another new talent.

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