Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday

Can you believe it? It's been a whole year since our boy Evan made his grand entrance. He really liked his Elmo book, his soft gorilla, and all the nice new clothes. He was a little wary of this thing we call cake but as you can see he took to it eventually.

He's been so busy cruising around the house, rolling his balls of all sizes, pushing the buttons on his toys. He's also been trying out new sensations like clapping his hands, turning his head and body from side to side, and getting up onto his knees. What will the next year bring? On the health front, Evan is still in the 75th percentile for length (18 1/4") and just under the 50th percentile for weight (22 lbs 3 oz). I guess all that food is being burned off from all the crawling. We have noticed that his potbelly doesn't look as big lately.

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