Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yea, it's uncle Reid and aunt Suzie!

We loved having uncle Reid and aunt Suzie come for a visit. Here, Evan shows off his lounging skills, Reid's lap is a perfect place for it. Evan was able to show off all his new talents and habits. His crawling speed has increased exponentially, he can zoom across the room in no time. He really likes doors, cabinet doors, room doors, baby gate doors. If one of the baby gate doors is left open, he has no trouble getting through them. Balls continue to be a crowd pleaser, the little plastic ones make noise on the hard floor when he throws them. Lately, he's lost interest in being fed, he'd much rather feed himself. Pasta works well, Cheerios, baby hot dogs, and cheese in the from of Kraft singles. He will let us feed him rice, potato soup (who knew), DQ ice cream. He's also starting pointing and commenting on things that catch his attention. Often times it's the fan or celing fixture. We're not quite sure what his opinions are but they seem positive.

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