Saturday, August 18, 2012

Lots of warm weather fun

"Driving" a car is what boys' like, right?  So here they are driving and bumping at the county fair.
We were lucky enough to do a last minute trip to the Dells.  Here is Evan in the safari themed lobby.
What's wrong with the above picture?
Evan's new favorite thing to do in pictures.  This one is actually not bad, ususally there is head tilting, tongue showing, eye scrunching.

Evan could have stayed at the water park all day, he has to be reminded to eat and go potty.  These slides were just his size.  There were huge slides that require an inflated raft that the whole family went on together. Couldn't exactly get a picture of that.

Fun with the cousins

Here are the cousins getting reacquainted, actually it took all of a few seconds.
These Bey Blades were something Evan first saw at Josh's house so it's appropriate that they do this together.
Museum fun for all.

Grandma and Grandpa are here!

Evan was so excited to see Grandma and Grandapa.  Here we are at the IL Railway Museum.  We weren't sure what to expect but there were many real functioning engines to see inside and out.  Above, Evan is not a fan of the loud engine sounds.
Our ride in a caboose.
Here's Evan showing Grandpa how to play Playstation.  Notice how he has to sit in the same chair, there is a loveseat, couch and another chair, all empty.
Off to the races.  Look who got the best seat in the house?  Evan was surprisingly interested in cheering on his horse and when his horse won, it was like he won the lottery even though Daddy only won a few bucks.
Here he is checking out his winning horse.