Sunday, July 17, 2011

Evan gives his perspective

"Look Mommy, I'm standing on one yeg"

When people get bleeds, they go to the hosbable to see a doctor.

When told that police men sometimes stop people going over the speed limit, Evan declares " I want a speeding ticket".

When unhappy with a decision, Mommy is sometimes told that we are no longer best buddies.

There are police cars, firetrucks and alla-bances.

Evan is deep into the "why" questions. Mommy and Daddy do their best not to just end every line of questioning end with "because that's the way it is" but it takes a long time to get to the bottom of things.

Evan has been picking up on his parents' phrases. For example, when calling for him to come brush his teeth, Mommy was told "just a minute" while he kept playing with his cars.

When you want to watch a movie, just put the DDD in the player.

Mommy was recently told that when she grows up to be a baby, she will go in a black stroller.

Cars with no roof is called a "vertible"

A "mackin" is what you use to wipe your hands and face after eating.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

An action packed 4th of July weekend with the cousins

If you can't tell from the pictures, I'll inform you that we had yots and yots of fun with the cousins and Auntie Aimee. Evan kept calling Josh "that little boy" but even though he kept forgetting him name he sure had fun playing cars and trains with him. We had great summer weather for going to the local festival (see above).

We couldn't miss the zoo, that's something we've done every time the cousins come.

We also went to the splash park one day and the "zooseum" on another day (better known and the childrens' museum).

We were able to walk to the parade this year and we came prepared to collect candy. The buckets aren't full in the pic below but Kinsey's was overflowing by the end of the parade. It was like Halloween in July.

On their last day we went to an indoor jump place. Evan's always been a little hesitant at first but not this time. Bodies were sliding and jumping from the start.

The fireworks were a hit this year again. Evan did a running commentary with either the color of each firework or the statement that "that's the biggest one I ever seen".