When people get bleeds, they go to the hosbable to see a doctor.
When told that police men sometimes stop people going over the speed limit, Evan declares " I want a speeding ticket".
When unhappy with a decision, Mommy is sometimes told that we are no longer best buddies.
There are police cars, firetrucks and alla-bances.
Evan is deep into the "why" questions. Mommy and Daddy do their best not to just end every line of questioning end with "because that's the way it is" but it takes a long time to get to the bottom of things.
Evan has been picking up on his parents' phrases. For example, when calling for him to come brush his teeth, Mommy was told "just a minute" while he kept playing with his cars.
When you want to watch a movie, just put the DDD in the player.
Mommy was recently told that when she grows up to be a baby, she will go in a black stroller.
Cars with no roof is called a "vertible"
A "mackin" is what you use to wipe your hands and face after eating.