Sunday, June 6, 2010

Animal sounds

The cat sound is usually accompanied by crawling on the floor followed by petting. We don't even know where it came from

Friday, June 4, 2010

Memorial Day weekend 2010

We visited Uncle Reid and Aunt Suzie over the long weekend. We had great weather and a great time. Here are Reid and Evan's matching outfits.
He looks so little!
We went to Como Park and Zoo and as much fun as it was to see the animals, Evan really liked the rides. Luckily the lines were short.
Evan kept looking behind him on the teacups and for most of the ride he was not smiling. Finally, he warmed up to it
Our little boy is now big enough to go on rides alone, what happened to our baby?

Welcome summer

We had some very hot temps very early in the year. Daddy stayed cool by staying indoors and Mommy and Evan kept cool by the pool. The only problem is that Evan is fascinated with water (or in his words, "watoo"). He likes to drink bath water, pool water, and even puddles of water if we let him.

Boys and their toys

The park district in the next town over hosted a "Touch a Truck" event. There was a fire truck (old news), garbage truck, crane, old fashioned car, ambulance, police car. Some of the other ones are shown below.

Evan got to the top of the tow truck bed and didn't want to come back down, too steep a slope apparently.
This was probably his favorite, we hope that bodes well for his future school days.