Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009

We were lucky to have the extended Nelson family together for the first time in years. Little boys even sat still for pictures.
Evan had so much fun with his cousins like he does everytime he sees them, they have so many cool toys. He especially liked the chalkboard, the fishing game, and all the cars and trucks.
Evan was such a good helper on Christmas Eve, passing out gifts. He was so enthusiastic that he started moving gifts from one person to another. Then the opening of gifts commenced and he was very curious to see what everyone had.

On Christmas morning there was more in the stocking, it was like a bottomless stocking with so many cool trucks.
The video shows why Evan slept in the morning after Christmas, his cousins wore him out.

The official Santa portrait

This picture was taken about 5 minutes after a bout of crying. We think Evan thought we were leaving him with this man dressed in red. Santa's elves entertained Evan enough to stop the tears but not quite enough to get a smile. Merry Christmas!

A night with the Kases

Evan is gettin' down the the beat of Erik's drums. His attention span is fairly short but he sure liked it.

Uncle Warren is helping Evan with his first slam dunk, not bad for a one year old.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmastime is here

Last weekend we went to a local park for the tree lighting festival. We got bundled up from head to toe and saw all the pretty lights. We even had a little hot chocolate. Thankfully we've already talked to Santa so we didn't have to wait in line to see him.
These are more examples of how Evan is just too busy to pose for pictures but he is getting into the spirit of the season. Santa may have come a little early to our house and brought a play table. It's already been put to good use, especially with Evan's new favorite toys: matchbox cars (see below). He likes to line them up and park them in the garage. Then he'll go and run his walker or fire truck back and forth 20 times (see above). We're glad when he blows off some energy but it's hard on mommy and daddy's backs when we're instructed to join in.

Friday, December 4, 2009

I'm a good helper

The vacuum was at first a little scary, Evan stared at it and watched it very closely. Then he was brave enough to touch the hose. When he got his own toy vacuum he could help in his own way. Now that he's a big boy he can really help. Too bad it would take him all day at this rate. Do you think he'll want to do this in 10 or 12 years from now?