Sunday, November 15, 2009

Skol Vikings

This was taken a whole year ago, at a time when Evan would actually sit still for pictures. The jersey was given to Gary by a former co-worker. He looked so different then. The current pic show his evolving style. It also shows Evan's new habit of taking mommy or daddy with him at his command. He can also pull down on our fingers to get us to sit down. I guess we know who's boss around here.

Cool...big machines!

We recently had a large tree taken out and luckily, they came on a day that we were all home. The second floor bedroom window was the perfect viewing spot. We also saw them the next day when they came to remove the stump. There were a lot of loud machines to watch.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 09

Evan started his day with a little piano playing. That was followed by standing on the bench, followed by falling off the bench.

Mommy and Daddy couldn't get their little bumble bee to sit still for pictures. We had to entice him with Daddy's phone just to get this one. We did very limited trick or treating, Evan's favorite treats were goldfish crackers and mini Oreos. Mommy and Daddy will have to take care of the candy bars.