Monday, September 28, 2009

Fun can be found anywhere

This is one of our new games, no claustrophobia here, but we will need a bigger box soon if we want to keep playing this game. Another new past time is taking our finger and leading us around the house aimlessly many times a day. The only destination is occasionally to the fridge which means get me something to drink. Mommy and Daddy are also good for riding like a horse, climbing on like a jungle gym, see example below.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Labor Day '09

We had another fun filled weekend with lots of great summer weather. One highlight was taking a train ride with the whole family at a nearby festival.
Evan got to play with the biggest tinkertoys ever! These were courtesy of the local children's museum so we'll have to go there soon and see what else they have.We also went to a local zoo which was small but very cute. It's for little kids so everything was at their level as you can see. Here's Evan checking out the llama.
They also had a lot of ducks. The zoo is close to home and free so we'll definitely be back next year.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I love Grandma and Grandpa!

We had another wonderful visit with Grandma and Grandpa. Since Evan is not afraid of strangers, months can pass and he's just as friendly with them as the last time he saw them.
We discovered the children's garden at the arboretum which was very popular. We could have spent the entire time at this fountain, Evan likes running water, like at the pool or even when getting ready for a bath.

We also saw a colonial village complete with a log house. We also saw a blacksmith demonstration and a real old fashioned school house. We didn't make it through a full lesson, though.