Saturday, February 21, 2009


Well, we're in the middle of winter here in cold and snowy Chicagoland. The car show is in town and Evan has picked out his ride... he likes the big, bad truck just like his Uncle Reid. He looks right at home behind the wheel. There's NO WAY we're giving him keys for at least another 16 years!

In other news we've discovered that we have cabinets. And by "we" we're talking about Evan of course. In this picture it happens to be the living room's entertainment center. He seems to be saying... "Hey, Mom and Dad... there's stuff in here!"

And exactly ten seconds later... mommy and daddy made a change in our living environment which we know is JUST THE BEGINNING!

Thankfully we went to "Babies R Us" recently and bought a selection of anti-Evan locks, latches and outlet plugs... we had a feeling!

And last but not least... we've buried the lead story!

Check out the following video!

B E A U T I F U L!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Favorite toys

Lately, one of Evan's favorite toys are some plastic balls that we put in a box and he can watch them roll through the box and come out the bottom. He seems endlessly fascinated to see them roll around. Mommy and Daddy like that this is a good old fashioned toy, no batteries required and we're getting so much use of this simple toy. We like to share fun times like this on the blog. Recently, Evan got his first and hopefully only case of infectious conjunctivits, also known as the dreaded pink eye. We're done with it now but putting medicine in the eyes was hard on everyone.