Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hello Santa!

Well, I don't think this pic needs much commentary. Evan had a lovely, if brief, meeting with the man from the North Pole, he wasn't scared at all. I think he told Santa what he wanted for Christmas by mental telepathy. I think children and Santa have that ability. Just in time for the big night, Evan is sleeping longer and more soundly through the night.

Happy Thanksgiving

This was a big week for junior! It actually started a few weeks ago when he was able to get food from the high chair into his mouth. The repetoire so far includes Cheerios and crackers. Of course, the vast majority end up on the floor but A+ for enthusiasm. Then, this week we heard the first words and now we know exactly what's on his mind from "ba, ba, ba, ba..." and "da, da, da, da, da..." If that weren't enough, Grandma and Grandpa came to help celebrate Evan's first Thanksgiving. He had sweet potatoes and turkey, does it matter that it was pureed? He topped it off with jellied cranberries and garlic mashed potatoes.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Weekend in Viking land

This was a big weekend for a little man. First, he got to see his aunt Suzie and uncle Reid again, we practically took over the house. Second, he got a taste of Vikings fever and sang (well, listened to, really) the Vikings fight song. Lastly, he got up close and personal to a dog for the first time, it was a meeting of the minds. The last picture doesn't really need any explanation, just enjoy.


Evan has been exercising his legs and his vocal cords lately. Here, he shows off both.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Halloween and Election 2008

Our Evan didn't go trick or treating this year but he sure was a help greeting all the Batmans, princesses, and Buzz Lightyears. He was very interested in the Hershey's bar but couldn't quite figure out what to do with it.
As you can see, Evan did his civic duty on Nov 4, he's wearing the I Voted sticker after all. Mommy and Daddy also like this picture because it shows off the current hair do. It's all natural, we want to see how long it can grow and still stand straight up.