Monday, June 30, 2008

A new pal for Evan

Recently we met Gabriel, born just 6 weeks before Evan. He came to visit with his mom Amanda. The boys didn't seem to be aware of each other's presence but maybe someday soon, they can play together. Evan's daddy was in a whole new world of mommies and babies.

A smile for Father's Day

This wasn't the first smile we saw but it is the first good one we captured on film. Just in time for Father's Day. It's funny, as so many things are lately, we could get a smile but as soon as Evan saw the camera, he just wanted to study it and forgot to smile for us.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Evan tours Fox TV

On Memorial Day Evan went to the big city for the first time to tour Fox tv. He got a very warm reception from Daddy's friends and co-workers. He'll probably go again soon because not all of Daddy's friends were working that day. The bright lights on the ceilings were his favorite part of the trip.

Checking out his digs

Now that Evan can hold his head up more and more, he can check out his surroundings. Here he is purveying the kitchen and living room. The ladies at the daycare helped mommy figure how to use the sling. Evan didn't like it the first time he was in it.

New hobby

Evan's new pastime is sucking on his hand or thumb. For some reason it's always the left hand and he can get a lot of mileage from that hand. It's so much better than a pacifier, your hand can't get lost or fall on the floor. Mommy and Daddy's new hobby is getting our little boy to smile over and over again. We got the first one a little over a week ago and now Evan's parents are making fools of themselves to get repeat smiles. It's amazing the goofy faces and strange sounds Mommy and Daddy make in the name of entertainment. Getting a pic of one of Evan's smiles is not yet possible.

2 month check up

Yesterday was Evan's 2 month doctor visit and he did so well. He got 4 shots, which he didn't like, but he only cried for a minute and was fine. He's up to 11 lb and 15 oz, 23 inches long and 15 3/4 for head circumference which makes him perfectly...average. He's at the 50th percentile for all of those measurements and we're very pleased. He started daycare last week and everybody loves him, we knew they would.