Thursday, May 22, 2008

Getting Into A Groove...

Well we're getting into a groove in the Kase household. At least mommy and daddy are. Evan seems to have ideas of his own however. Sleep, eat, cry and takin' care of business are what he does. Not necessarily in that order... and certainly not when mommy and daddy say he should. Ah, life with an infant!

We are loving life as 3 however. If it's at all possible Evan is getting even more handsome every day. He's starting to really look at things around the house and making good eye contact with Gary and Carrie. We're even starting to see the beginnings of smiles... WAY cute!!!

Here's Evan with Tammy (Sharon's daughter). Gary and Tammy grew up together. Tammy says she used to beat Gary up. Gary says not!!! Please, she's barely over 5 feet tall for cryin' out loud! Okay, she did pick on him but he was too much of a gentleman, even back then, to fight back. (Tammy has another take on the stories).

It was so nice of Tammy and her husband Rob to visit.

And it didn't take long, as pictured below, for Evan to receive his first piece of mail. Granted it wasn't unsolicited... his godparents sent him his first savings bond. He's on the road to retirement already! :) Now he just needs to walk, talk, go to school, graduate from college, get a job, find a nice girl like his father did, get married, have kids of his own and save up for 65+ years and then he can kick back and live the life of leisure... it will be here before he knows it...

Thursday, May 8, 2008


This installment features a LOT of pictures... you can click on any of them to see a larger version. Enjoy!!!

First of all we introduced Evan to his Grandma and Grandpa this past weekend. Dick and Jeannie came up from Hot Springs Village to meet their grandson. By all accounts everyone seemed to like each other. In fact, after they left, Evan asked when he would get to see them again. No plans have been made but we're sure it won't be too long!

As if meeting his grandparents weren't enough... Evan was Baptised this past weekend. The pictures below are of a.) all the Kase's (Warren, Chelle and Erik), b.) with his Grandparents and c.) with his Godparents Kevin and Roberta O'Rourke and their daughter Shannon.

As you can see we were all looking our best. Evan was perfect... he was nice and quiet for the entire service. Well, at least until it was time to get Baptised. Then he cried, right on cue!

After church we all came back to the house for lunch. We were joined by the Huba family. The WHOLE Huba family. The house was packed. We're so glad that they could join us!

Last but not least... it was a tiring weekend for everyone. In fact Evan and Grandpa decided that a nap was in order.


Friday, May 2, 2008

First out of town visitor

We were very lucky to have Dave come for a visit all the way from Kansas City. He is a friend of Carrie's from their former days as Golden Gophers. It's been a long time since we've seen Dave so we couldn't have been happier to spend some time together.